Emma is a python-based toolkit to facilitate analysis of multimodal accessibility for transportation planning and travel modeling applications.
Environment setup¶
To use emma, start by configuring a development environment using Anaconda. Open the terminal or Anaconda Prompt and enter:
conda env create renaissanceplanning/emma
When conda finishes the installation, activate it as follows:
conda activate emma
Additional packages may be installed in the emma environment as needed. For example, Spyder or Jupyter may be desired for interactive programming or notebook development using emma.
Package installation¶
Clone this repository locally using git. In GitBash, for example, navigate to an appropriate local folder where the repo will be cloned. Then type:
clone http://github.com/renaissanceplanning/emma
This will save the emma package scripts locally. To make the package visible in python (such that import emma works in any working directory), open conda prompt in the emma/scripts folder. With the emma environment active in conda, type:
python setup.py install
This is a very basic installation script, and more robust methods of installing/updating emma may emerge over time.